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New job opportunities

Our company is constantly developing, so we always offer new job opportunities for you! Right now we are looking for: metal workers If you want to be part of our team, write to the personnel department: And don't forget…

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Briklis Metal Briquetting

They wrote about us

Our briquetting presses have their place and application in foundry production as well. You can read more here p.57 slevarenske_listy_23_4_k2_30mb.pdf ( The article is enriched with views and experiences with our briquetting presses directly from practice, namely from employees of…

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Awards for CSR activities

This year too, I received an award from the Governor of the South Bohemian Region for the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities of our company Briklis, spol. s.r.o. for 2022. What does that mean? To be a socially responsible company,…

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Patent for the ARTEP crusher

The ARTEP crusher boasts a patent-protected design! We have received the European Patent Office's decision to grant European Patent No. 3705183 (for ARTEP). This unique crusher is used for crushing long chips and clumps into a loose fraction, more on…

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